Last week, I wrote about finding regions in LLVM control flow graphs for the purpose of implementing pattern-independent control flow structuring. As a reminder, finding regions is the step 2 of a four-step process:

  1. Ensure that each loop only has one entry and one exit;
  2. Find regions in the control flow graph;
  3. Compute the reaching condition of each block;
  4. Simplify and merge control flow statements.

To continue the out-of-order trend, this post discusses the first step.

As explained before, ensuring that loops have a single entry and a single exit is essential, as the structuring algorithm can only work with regions, loops have to span an entire region to be structurizable, and regions have to have a single entry and a single exit.

One major problem with this requirement is that very often, loops won’t have a single entry or a single exit.

An example control flow graph where a loop (blue) has two entries (green) and two exits (red).

This whole block corresponds to a single region, but unless back edges point back to the entry node of the region, fcd won’t be able to structurize it as a loop. Therefore, some transformation has to happen.

LLVM has a LoopSimplify pass that takes natural loops and inserts a “loop pre-header” to ensure that there is a single edge going to the loop header (where conditions are typically tested), and inserts a “loop exit” to ensure that every exit block of the loop only has predecessors that are inside the loop. Unfortunately, this is not enough.

LLVM also has a StructurizeCFG pass. This one is far more interesting. It was presumably developed by AMD (since it’s only used in AMD-specific code) to structurize GPU code. According to the documentation, if-else blocks are rewritten as a sequence of if-then-else blocks. For instance, if you have an ABCD graph, where a goes to B and C, and B and C go to D, the pass will be rewritten as an ABfCD graph, where A goes to B and f, B only goes to f, f goes to C and D, and C only goes to D. This is more or less equivalent to rewriting if (cond) a(); else b(); as if (cond) a(); if(!cond) b();.

A D C B f D C A B
The effect of StructurizeCFG on conditions.

Of course, if I’m talking about it here, it’s because it can also handle loops. In fact, it ensures that loops will have a single entry and a single exit, which is exactly what we need for pattern-independent control flow structuring. Using it would be very tempting.

The effect of StructurizeCFG on the example control flow graph. Notice how the graph itself looks indented (and that it has more than twice as many nodes).

As it turns out, while it works, this is actually too powerful for what fcd needs. The condition structurization process inserts an ungodly number of Φ nodes in the LLVM IR, which leads up to mounds of phi* variables in the decompiled output. To simplify them, if could be necessary to use control flow simplification passes, which could cancel some of the structurization benefits that the pass got us.

As there appears to be no lite version of the StructurizeCFG pass, fcd got its very own SESELoop pass.

Single-Entry, Single-Exit

The paper roughly describes what it takes to turn a loop into a single-entry and single-exit loop. The idea is that you find every back edge in the graph (if you do a depth-first search on the graph, an edge that gets you back to a node that was already visited is a back edge). Then, you identify the loop members; that is, nodes for which there’s a path starting from the back edge destination and going to the back edge start. This is the “loop membership” phase. After that, you iterate through that set of nodes to look for predecessors that are outside the loop (these are entering nodes) and successors that are outside the loop (these are exit nodes).

The paper calls for “loop membership refinement”, where you add nodes to the member nodes even if they’re not technically part of the loop. I personally found that it doesn’t really help; your mileage may vary, especially if you don’t use LLVM IR.

Once you have your entries, your loop members and your exits, you must ensure that there is a single entry node and a single exit node. If there are more than that, the pass creates a “funnel node” (my term) that collects every entering (or exiting, since the same algorithm is used for both cases) edge, creates a Φ node with a different value for every incoming edge, and directs execution to different blocks depending on its value.

In layman’s terms, we add a condition variable and branch off depending on its value.

The effect of SESELoop on a loop with two exits.

In code, the left side could be something like:

	while (true)
		if (a())
			goto C;
		if (b())
			goto D;



while the right side could be represented as:

	int phi;
	while (true)
		if (a())
			phi = 1;
		if (b())
			phi = 2;

	if (phi == 1)

However, we’re working with LLVM IR, and it has its own set of constraints. One notable constraint is that every every SSA definition needs to dominate all of their uses. This becomes a problem, especially for exit nodes: on the left, C is dominated by A (the only way to get to C is through A), so LLVM will allow the C block to use values that were defined in the A block. However, even though we know that C is still only reached if we left the loop from A, LLVM can’t prove it using the dominator tree anymore. This means that if C used a value from A, we now must insert more Φ nodes to represent these values.

Deciding which value needs a Φ node is an annoying process. Each “smart” solution that I could come up with ended up not working, so I resorted to scanning almost everything and checking if a Φ node is needed. At least, I found out about SSAUpdater, which allows you to express that you want a variable to be some value at the end of some blocks, and it will insert the necessary Φ nodes wherever they’re needed.

The pass ends up really just changing the little bits that need to be moved around to enable region discovery to work.

The initial control flow graph as modified by the SESLoop pass. The loop now has only one entry node (D) and one exit node (J).

At least, the pass seems pretty robust now. Hopefully, the next time someone touches it, they actually know what they’re doing!