Decompilers vary greatly in their ability to produce structured code. The main reason is that at the machine level, code isn’t neatly organized in if-else statements and for loops: it’s a graph of basic blocks connected by goto statements. In general, optimizations will tear apart any remaining structure in a compiled program.

An example control flow graph.

Control flow structure recovery is still an active research topic, with academic papers and experiments coming out every now and then. However, as I was designing fcd, one in particular caught my attention: No More Gotos, by German-affiliated researchers K. Yakdan, S. Eschweiler, E. Gerhards-Padilla and M. Smith.

Up to then, the accepted technique for re-structuring control flow graphs was to find isomorphisms to try and match little bits of the function against known patterns, and use goto statements when that doesn’t work. However, the No More Gotos paper introduces a new technique called pattern-independent control flow structuring, which, exactly as its name implies, structures a control flow graph independently of any predefined patterns.

Before we go any further, I would like to tip off my hat to the authors. I’m not an academic and I haven’t read that many papers, but truth to be told, I couldn’t make anything out of the majority of papers that I did read. (So much for reproducible science!) However, the No More Gotos paper is a well-written piece that I was able to understand and implement. My appreciation might not get them a grant, but if they ever read this, I hope that it makes them feel a little warmer on the inside.

Fcd implements the technique in a couple of more or less distinct steps:

  1. Ensure that each loop only has one entry and one exit;
  2. Find regions in the control flow graph;
  3. Compute the reaching condition of each block;
  4. Simplify and merge control flow statements.

As it turns out, there is a lot to explain about that, so this post will cover only one topic. Since #2 helps understand why #1 is important, we’ll do things out of order and go with finding regions in the CFG.

Finding regions in the control flow graph

In compiler theory, a region is defined by a entry edge and an exit edge, where the entry edge dominates the exit edge; the exit edge post-dominates the entry edge; and any cycle that includes one also includes the other.

Less formally, control enters through only one edge and leaves through only one edge.

One problem with this definition is that it fits poorly with LLVM’s intermediate representation. In the LLVM IR, graph nodes are first-class citizens but graph edges are not. Fortunately, regions can very easily be adapted to a definition that uses nodes instead of edges: we simply say that control enters through a single node and exits through a single node.

This has the added convenience that we no longer need a single edge going in or out of a region, we merely need all the out-going edges to point to the same block.

Our example control flow graph, with regions highlighted.

Because regions are defined in terms of nodes instead of edges, the exit node of the region is the node that succeeds the region. It is therefore not considered part of the region (kind of like how a container’s end() actually lies one past the end). For instance, H is EFG’s exit node, but it is not highlighted with EFG.

Because I didn’t know what I was doing, I eagerly discounted LLVM’s region detection algorithm and ended up writing my own. I now view this as a mistake, and I would eventually like to rework that part of fcd (though that is unlikely to happen any time soon, unless fcd’s region handling code proves to be a source of problems). There isn’t much use in expanding on how fcd currently does it, as the solution, while not a bottleneck right now, is known to be inefficient compared to the state-of-the-art approaches.

The Post-Dominator Tree

LLVM’s algorithms are not perfect either. The major weakness that I’ve identified is that it relies on a post-dominator tree without verifying that it’s complete. As a matter of fact, the post-dominator tree building algorithm produces an incomplete result for functions that have nodes that can’t reach an exit: in other words, if the function has an unbreakable endless loop.

By removing the DE edge, it's impossible to leave from BD. This causes all sorts of problems.

This happens because region detection walks down the post-dominator tree. To see why this is a problem, we need to see how LLVM builds it. It scans the function for returning nodes as starting points, and then uses the predecessors function to traverse edges backwards: it would start with H, find F and G, and then find E, then C, etc. However, there’s no backwards edge “going into” an endless loop: it can only be accessed through a forward edge (in this case, the AB edge). This means that B and D are never visited and not made part of the post-dominator tree.

Any branch missing from the post-dominator tree translates to missed or unstructurable regions, so this is a very serious problem. I couldn’t think right about it and ended up asking for help on Stack Overflow. The question got more attention than I thought it would given how specific it was, and I implemented a workaround in fcd based on Chris Dodd’s answer. In my own words:

I settled on this: (1) ask LLVM to make its post-dom tree; (2) find every back edge in the function; (3) check if every back edge destination has a tree node. If so, use LLVM’s post-dominator tree. Otherwise, take the tree’s root and add every back edge destination that didn’t have a tree node as a root, and calculate a new post-dominator tree. It appears to work.

I haven’t extensively studied fcd’s output when it needs to patch up the post-dominator tree like that, but I would tend to think that it’s not the end-all solution. However, “not amazing output” is still better than no output at all.

The Result

Anyway, the reason that we try to find regions in the graph is that they map well to higher-level control flow structures. For instance, the BD region is a loop that includes B and D, and D tests a condition to see if the loop should continue or break, much like this:

while (true)
	if (!D_cond)

In turn, this block is easy to embed into the ABCD structure, which would look like:

if (A_cond)
	while (true)
		if (!D_cond)

The resulting code has a few possible readability tweaks, but this is starting to reach into Simplify and merge control flow statements territory, so we’ll leave it there for today.

Pattern-independent control flow structuring distinguishes between regions that contain conditions and regions that contain loops. Loops can only be structurized if the region is entirely about them; that is, the entry of the region is the entry of the loop and the exit of the region is the exit of the loop. This is why loops must have a single entry and a single exit; otherwise, they wouldn’t map cleanly to regions. How fcd ensures this will be a topic for a future blog post.